A Home to Call Your Own

Bad Mariah. I’ve been having way too much fun this break, and then crammed with the busies of this summer session starting. The break was bittersweet, but I got to have a blast with my pups, go to a wedding, bake, do art, and even see old friends and meet new ones. We even went town house searching! For those of you that live in an apartment, I’m sure you empathize with me when I say that I will not EVER take a house for granted. I want to be away from the third floor (or any apt stairs for that matter) and away from people living above and below me. I would like a home to call me own. With a yard. Wouldn’t that be nice, pups?

So I will explain every little exciting detail that occurred thisΒ  break week sent from heaven throughout this week. However, I do want to brush on the reason why I started the blog in the first place. Fostering.


The status on Nala is that she is still available for adoption. She was having multiple growth spurts, but not gaining any weight so the universe called for a food change. Now, she is filling out and looking less like a skeleton (okay, maybe I’m over exaggerating).

Not only has Nala been getting more fit and full, but she is out of her shell and learning how to love! The personality that she is showing me is exceptionally bold, excited, and unbelievably goofy. If Circus halts during our walks and stares at a squirrel, Nala will grab his leash and tug on it with me. She is even more of a cuddle bug than I originally thought, and she’s got quite the attitude! If I take too long to get her leash she does a play bow and lets out a little growl. So, obviously she loves the outdoors, but she’s learning to love people even more.


I love all nine of my fosters, but I’d have to say that Nala is one of the best. Not only is she a cutie, but once she trusts you, she is the most affectionate, never-ever-ever-leave-your-side kind of puppy. She’s the easiest puppy that I have fostered as well! She’s housebroken, and knows a bunch of tricks (sit, down, roll over, paw, stay, etc.). I don’t quite understand why she has not been adopted – it’s not like she hasn’t had any interest.

I mean, c’mon. Look at that cutie booty.


So I’m going to make it my mission to put her out there more so she can find her permanent family and never have to move around again. She is being patient, but I’m sure that she will love to finally encounter her mom/dad. Can you imagine not knowing when your family will come and get you? Or if at all, ever?


That being said, at least she has a good home to stay at to aid her transition to something permanent. If you are interested, don’t hesitate to contact me or Last Hope Rescue, FL. Like everyone, this happy girl needs a home to call her own.


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8 thoughts on “A Home to Call Your Own

  1. She’s absolutely beautiful. I wish I had room for one more dog πŸ™‚

  2. sweet girl πŸ™‚

  3. Oh and I feel you apartment woes. At my last place, I had the people below at my doorstep in 3 seconds.. all kahlua had to do was leap off the couch and they were there to tell me how to “control my dog”.. yes I finally told them off. My new place is a lot better that way though so my paws are crossed it stays that way.

    • Shalini, I am itching to get out of this apt. It’s a bigger apt, but I still want a yard. Whatever place we choose, there will be a yard so Cir and whatever foster I have can run around. Once we settle, you should bring Kahlua and you can judge my Indian cooking πŸ™‚

      • oh you are so sweet πŸ™‚ I will not ever judge your cooking since I am in no position to! πŸ™‚ thank you!

  4. check out some of the houses on Meriadoc drive …

  5. katelyn White

    I have a few ideas on how you can get her adopted!!! Take her to Food Truck Thursday, First Friday and Fermentation Lounge, they are great and unexpected places to meet potential adopters, and if it doesnt get her adopted it will help her confidence!!! Also there is the downtown market place on saturday mornings and lake ella’s new saturday in the park (i thinks its from 9am to 3pm!)
    Also Doggie dayz!!!! You should drop her off friday morning before we go to wakulla! Foster dogs are free!!! Just talk to michelle so she can evaluate her in the morning!
    PLUS it could help Jango learn to love her, and not be mean to her!

    • I’ve been to Fermentation Lounge, but have never thought of that. I’ll do all that now that it’s summer and I have more time. And I would drop Nala at Doggie Dayz, but I will have to go to work as soon as we get back and won’t be able to pick her up. Thank you for the advice!

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